Screencasting and Grading


I’m not sure how many are familiar with screencasting (web 2.0 tool) but I think a great session on using screencasting as a tool to comment on student writing and other assignments would be beneficial to all.


Van Dora

Categories: Session Proposals |

About vandora.williams

Galaga - made it up to level 6. I am very interested in incorporating technology with the humanities in the journalism discipline. I have been pursuing collaboration opportunities with other universities and faculty members. I am in the process of writing a digital humanities proposal. I hope that attending this event will be very helpful with the types of technologies I can use in the classroom and any future projects.

3 Responses to Screencasting and Grading

  1. THATCampHBCU says:

    Can you give us a link so we can check it out?

  2. Sure.  I’m sharing two links that you can review.  Thank you for considering my request.

    The link below is an example of my comments on a student’s news writing assignment.

    The link below is a software tutorial I created for my broadcast writing students.  They have to learn Adobe Audition 2.0 and rather than continue to explain how to export an audio file in the proper format, I created this tutorial and made it available on Blackboard for student use.
    Please let me know if you have any problems viewing the videos.


  3. THATCampHBCU says:

    It doesn’t matter what I think!  It’s up to all of us to choose!

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